Rich in this world always means wealthy by money. Being rich is something which rich people are too much proud about and want to show off their clothes, jewellery etc. Since childhood our concept of rich has always been people who have assistants at home and who dress up with hi-fi clothes and who do lot of makeup. Some people are rich by birth, by inheritance or by luck. But there are some people whom people call rich just because they have few amount hard earned by them. In India nowadays even if people are having little hard earned money also, its looked like sin. Why is it so? All these software engineers who are called rich, are they really rich? They lack time for family, for their entertainment, vacations or they even lack time for sleep. Why do not people look at their day-to-day struggling aspects rather than simply looking at the money they have earned?
Some people will be rich, but people cannot make out that they are rich. They all will have money hidden in their bank accounts and no one will be aware of it. Because they do not disclose that to anyone even to their own kids or siblings fearing that they would snatch it away. For some people how much ever money they have, it will not at all be sufficient for them to tell others or feel themselves that they have enough money to be called as rich. Its their fate of life and no one can help them.
As per me being rich means rich in knowledge, wisdom, grace, love, care, empathy and service. It’s not only the wealth of money that people have should be looked upon or commented by others. The richness of human qualities should be adored and respected which increases their respect as well as recognizing person’s image.
What is the use of money and being rich from it when someone is dying in the hospital with pain and you do not spend on them?
What is the use of money and being rich from it when someone is suffering from hunger and you do not feed them?
What is the use of money and being rich from it when someone has become bankrupt for some good reason and is dying with debts and you do not help them?
What is the use of money and being rich from it when kids want to study and you do not provide any books to them?
What is the use of money and being rich from it when you do not provide clothes to a person suffering from cold?
Ultimately, without money one cannot buy anything. At the same time with money, everything cannot be bought.